
Alabama Anti-money Laundering (1 Hr)

  • 1 Hour Course
  • 4.5 23 Reviews
  • $15.00

This course applies to producers in all lines of insurance, and satisfies 1 hour of general continuing education for any insurance producer in Alabama.

Topics in this course include the history of money laundering, how it is accomplished and how it is detected. You'll learn about some of the most notable money laundering cases in history. We'll also talk about laws that apply to money laundering, and the national efforts employed to combat this crime. Then, we'll cover the obligations of the insurance industry to prevent money laundering, and how to do so. This includes talking about red flags that insurance producers should notice and report.

The final exam for this course helps ensure your understanding of these concepts.

Once you complete your course we will submit your completion to the state for free.

  • Course ID(s): 23311
  • Approved By: Alabama Department of Insurance

Instructor Bio

keith haley insurance instructor atyourpaceonline

Keith Haley is the Online Insurance instructor and industry expert for At Your Pace Online. In addition to his insurance license, Keith holds a Bachelor's degree in Finance, Master's degree in Education, and is a Certified Financial Planner and licensed insurance producer. As an entrepreneur, over his career Keith has owned and managed businesses in a wide range of professions, including car sales, financial consultation, and insurance sales and management. With over twenty years of experience in business, sales, and education, Keith brings a broad range of practical and academic knowledge to our courses.

Course Reviews

23 Reviews