Colorado Insurance Continuing Education
We are an approved Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) continuing education provider (Provider ID# 204686).
Complete your continuing education credits to renew your Colorado insurance producer's license today. All of our online courses can be completed At Your Pace Online in order to help you maintain your insurance license, and never include any hidden fees. Once you complete one of our courses, we will report your course completion directly to the state for you.
Due to state requirements, courses cannot be retaken for credit within 24 months of the original completion date.
Colorado 24 Hour Life & Health Review with Ethics
This course provides all 24 hours of CE that you need! This course will review key concepts and principles of Life and Health insurance. It includes 3 hours of ethics and 21 hours of general content.
Department of Regulatory Agencies Course #: 63116
Colorado 3 Hour Homeowners Review
This course provides 3 hours of Homeowners CE, and will review key concepts and principles of Homeowners insurance. We will report your course completion to Sircon.
Department of Regulatory Agencies Course #: 55022
Colorado 3 Hour Ethics Review
This course satisfies 3 hours of ethics training for any Colorado insurance professional, and applies to all lines.
CO Division of Insurance Course ID: 63113
Colorado 24 Hour Adjuster Package
This package provides all 24 hours of CE that you need! The courses included are our 3 hour Homeowner Insurance course, 3 hour Ethics course, and 18 hour Adjuster course.
Department of Regulatory Agencies Course #s: 63113, 63114, and 55022
Colorado 24 Hour Property & Casualty Renewal Review
This package provides all 24 hours of CE that you need! The courses included are our 3 hour Homeowner Insurance course, 3 hour Ethics course, and 18 hour P&C course.
Department of Regulatory Agencies Course #: 54680
Colorado 18 Hour Property and Casualty Review
This course provides all 18 hours of general CE that you need! The course discusses many general P&C topics.
Department of Regulatory Agencies Course #s: 63115
Colorado 18 Hour Adjuster Review
This course provides all 18 hours of general CE that you need! The course discusses many general adjuster topics.
Department of Regulatory Agencies Course #s: 63114
Colorado 8 Hour Long-Term Care General
This 8 hour class is approved by the State of Colorado. It meets the mandatory education requirement for Part 1 of the required 2 Part pre-requisite to start selling Long Term Care Insurance.
Your second 8 hour requirement must be taken in a classroom.
Department of Regulatory Agencies Course #: 55300
Colorado Annuity Best Interest 4 HR CE
This four-hour training course is designed to meet the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) education requirements for producers authorized to sell annuities. Specifically, this course includes the 2020 updates to the NAIC’s amended Model Regulations for annuity transactions. This course covers annuity suitability and best interest laws, as well as in-depth information on types of annuities, understanding each party of an annuity, contract structures, recordkeeping, contract provisions, and more. This course will teach students how to help a customer choose an annuity product that is right for them, and how to do so lawfully.
CO Division of Insurance Course ID: 65430
Colorado 3 Hour NFIP Review (2024)
This course is designed to meet the education requirements to sell Flood Insurance. Our class is based on the Basic Flood Insurance Course Outline published in the Federal Register. The content in this course fulfills the directive in the 2004 Flood Insurance Reform Act, and will also count as 3 hours of Property continuing education.
CO Division of Insurance Course ID: 65725
Colorado Insurance Continuing Education Requirements
Resident Requirements
Resident producers and public adjusters must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of approved subjects during each two-year reporting period.
These courses must include:
- 3 hours in ethics subjects
- 18 hours in major lines subjects
- 3 hours in miscellaneous subjects
For producers licensed in multiple lines of authority, at least six hours of CE should be completed for each line of authority held. Excess credits earned in ethics or homeowners' subjects can not be applied to the 18 hours of major lines subjects required for licensees.
Courses may be completed in an in-person classroom setting, online, or through self-study.
Additional guidelines for Colorado CE requirements exist for several lines of work, including:
- Claims-made training: Producers that sell claims-made insurance policies are required to complete a one-time, two-hour training course.
- Homeowners? insurance coverage training: Producers licensed to sell property or personal lines insurance are required to complete a three-hour ongoing training course each biennial period.
- NFIP flood training: Licensees that sell flood insurance products must complete a one-time, three-hour course.
- Annuity training: Producers that sell annuity products are required to complete a one-time, four-hour training course.
- Long-term care training: Producers that sell long-term care (LTC) products are required to complete an initial, one-time training program totaling 16 hours. This includes an eight-hour course in general LTC training and an eight-hour course in LTC Partnership training. LTC training may be completed online or in-classroom, but LTC Partnership Training must be completed in a classroom setting. LTC producers must then complete a five-hour ongoing training course every biennial period to maintain their license.
Rules for Non-Residents
Non-residents in compliance with their state?s CE requirements are exempt from completing Colorado CE.
This includes:
- LTC training requirements provided that the non-resident?s home state training meets the standard of the NAIC LTC Model training
- Annuity training requirements provided that the non-resident?s training in their home state meets the standards set by Colorado requirements
Non-resident licensees are responsible for submitting a continuation fee to the Colorado Department of Insurance before their license expiry date.
Carryover of Excess CE
Up to 12 hours of supplemental CE credit earned may carry over into the next biennial period as long as the coursework is completed within 120 days of the renewal term deadline.
Additional ethics hours completed will count toward general credit requirements for the next term.
Insurance License Term Renewal Requirements
The license expiration date is on the last day of the licensee?s birth month biennially, based on the year of original licensing. A producer whose license was awarded in an even-numbered year, for example, will need to complete their renewal requirements before the last day of their birth month in the next even-numbered year.
Renewals must be processed online at the Colorado State Information Center Insurance Licensing Search and Renewal website. Licensees are eligible to renew from 90 days prior to the expiration date.
The license renewal fee is:
- $29 per line of authority for resident producers and public adjusters. This fee is not applicable to lines of authority added to a license within 90 days of the license expiration date
- $134 for producers with Surplus Lines LOA
- $183 per LOA for Resident Bail Registration
- $200 per LOA for Resident Reinsurance Intermediary
Licensees unable to meet CE requirements before their license expires may submit a request for an extension of up to one year to the insurance commissioner of the state of Colorado. This request must be received by the state at least 30 days prior to the license expiry date.
Those residents who fail to renew before their expiration date and did not request an extension must resubmit an application for license reinstatement.
Rules for Taking the Exam
Certification exams are closed book, and students are not permitted to access course materials during the exam. Self-study exams must be monitored by a non-biased third party. Family members, friends, coworkers, or individuals with a financial interest in the exam-taker?s success may not act in this role.
A score of 70% or higher is required to receive the CE credit. Unlimited retakes are permitted until a passing score is achieved.
Rules for Repeating a Course
Courses cannot be retaken for credit within two years of the original completion date.
Credit for Instructors
CE course instructors are eligible to receive the same credit as the students enrolled in the course taught. Instructors cannot receive credit for an individual course or program more than once during a 24-month period.
Reporting Rules
Credits must be reported within seven days of course completion, submitted to the state directly by the course provider.
It is recommended to complete all CE at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of your license to give the CE provider sufficient time to report successful completions to the Colorado Department of Insurance. However, CE courses can be completed at any time within the current license term.
Insurance CE Requirement Exemptions
Some resident licensees may qualify for full or partial CE exemptions.
Newly licensed producers are exempt from CE requirements during their first renewal period.
Producers whose only line of authority is in the following areas are exempt from CE requirements: traffic ticket selling, title, bail bonding, limited lines credit, and crop hail.
Colorado Annuity Insurance Requirements
Before selling, soliciting, or negotiating annuity products in Colorado, producers licensed on or after November 1, 2022, must complete a one-time, 4-hour annuity best interest course.
This requirement may be waived for licensees who have satisfied similar annuity best interest requirements for another state.
Colorado Long-Term Care Training Requirements
Producers selling long-term care policies in Colorado must complete a state-approved training course in two parts.
This initial one-time, 16-hour training requirement includes eight hours of general LTC coursework that can be completed either in a classroom setting or online. An additional eight hours of LTC partnership-specific coursework must also be completed in a classroom setting.
Following this initial training, producers are required to complete 5-hours of in-classroom LTC training every biennial period.
Colorado Flood Insurance Training Requirements
Licensees who sell flood insurance policies must complete a one-time, 3-hour course that meets the training requirements set by FEMA and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP.)