
Florida 20 Hour Health Review

  • 20 Hour Course
  • 4.3 28 Reviews
  • $34.00

An insurance producer who completes this continuing education course will gain 20 hours of instruction on health insurance. 

This elective set explores accident and health insurance policies, medical plans, group health insurance, long term care insurance, insurance policies related to disability income, federal taxation for insurance, and cybersecurity for insurance producers.

  • An overview of insurance terms and basics will start the coursework.
  • The segment on health insurance policies will go over the contractual elements of an accident and health insurance policy.
  • Disability income and underwriting concerns will be discussed in the third portion.
  • The instruction on medical plans will discuss the various types of medical plans, managed care, cost containment strategies, and important federal laws such as the ACA and HIPAA.
  • The training on group health will examine group health insurance policies in comparison to individual health insurance coverage. This segment will also explore conversion options and group health policies for small employers.
  • The segment about Medicare will take a close look at the entire program including who is eligible, what Medicare provides to participants, and options for people who don’t qualify.
  • Long term care insurance (or LTC) is the primary interest of one segment of this course. This segment will cover the primary elements of LTC, how LTC can be marketed, and suitability issues.
  • The penultimate segment of the course talks about how premiums and expenses of different policies are taxed.
  • Finally, cybersecurity concerns and measures for insurance producers wraps up the new course material.

Videos, examples, and imagery are utilized throughout the course to enhance comprehension for visual and auditory learning styles. After each lesson, students will be asked a single question about the material. One final exam of 105 questions will test the student’s knowledge.


  • Course ID(s): 120396
  • Approved By: Florida Department of Financial Services

Instructor Bio

Gary Sternberg

Gary Sternberg is a veteran of insurance training, having been in the insurance education industry for over 25 years. He is a highly focused, licensed professional with top-level skills in prelicense and continuing education content authorship and training. He is well-versed in compliance and has extensive experience with state and federal regulatory laws and rules. Gary brings to At Your Pace Online students his excellent teaching, writing, and presentation skills with the ability to turn the complex into learnable “normal” person material. Most importantly, Gary has a passion for insurance education and seeing students successfully navigate the licensing process.

Course Reviews

28 Reviews