
Florida 4 Hour Long-Term Care Ongoing CE

  • 4 Hour Course
  • 4.2 120 Reviews
  • $15.00

This course applies to producers who need to renew their Long-Term Care Certification to continue selling LTC Insurance. This course will review key principles and concepts related to long-term care insurance policies. A few of the topics we'll review include how to build a Long Term Care policy, which policies are and aren't "tax-qualified", and how to assess the suitability of an LTC policy for a client. We'll also take a look at the NAIC Model Long term Care Insurance Act.

  • Course ID(s): 96768
  • Approved By: Florida Department of Financial Services

Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.

Course Reviews

120 Reviews