Indiana Insurance Continuing Education
We are an approved Indiana Department of Insurance continuing education provider (Provider ID# 128848).
We offer a variety of packages to suit your CE needs, and you can take your classes anywhere you've got internet service! All of our courses can be completed At Your Pace Online in order to help you renew your insurance license, and never include any hidden fees. Once you complete one of our online courses, we will report your course completion directly to the state through Sircon for you.
Indiana 24 Hour Life & Health Renewal Package
This course provides all 24 hours of CE that you need! This course will review key concepts and principles of Life and Health insurance. In addition to reviewing general life and health content, it includes 3 hours of ethics and the mandatory exam. No additional reporting fees!
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 40275 & 40276
Indiana 24 Hour Property & Casualty Renewal Package
This course provides all 24 hours of CE that you need! This course will review key concepts and principles of Property and Casualty insurance. It includes 3 hours of ethics, 21 hours of general content and the mandatory exam. No additional reporting fees!
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 40275 & 40277
Indiana 21 Hour Property & Casualty Review
This course provides 21 hours of Property and Casualty content, and the mandatory exam. No additional reporting fees!
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 40277
Indiana 21 Hour Life & Health Review
This course will review key concepts and principles of Life and Health Insurance. This course provides 21 hours of General Life and Health content and the mandatory exam. No additional reporting fees!
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 40276
Indiana 8 Hour Initial LTC Continuing Education Course
This eight-hour course applies to producers who need to earn their initial certification in order to transact long-term care (LTC) insurance. This course will cover key principles and concepts related to long-term care insurance coverage and will discuss a number of important issues surrounding long-term care, including an introduction to the history and concepts related to LTC, what long-term care insurance is and its associated uses, levels of care, eligibility for coverage, settings for care, the Activities of Daily Living, alternatives such as Medicare, Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans, and Medicaid.
The course continues with a deep look at long-term care policies, including the basics and in-depth material. Elimination periods, general underwriting, benefit periods, tax issues and tax-qualified contracts, agent and insurer responsibilities, replacement concerns, optional benefits and riders are thoroughly explored. The last sections of the course detail the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Long-Term Care Model Act and its requirements.
The course contains numerous illustrations and graphics to assist comprehension, as well as simplifications of difficult laws and rules.
The course concludes with a final exam that must be successfully passed in order to receive certification for the course.
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 45511
Indiana 5 Hour LTC Ongoing CE Course
This course applies to producers who need to renew their Long-Term Care Certification to continue selling LTC Insurance. Here, we'll review key principles and concepts related to long-term care insurance policies. No additional reporting fees!
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 29917
Indiana 4 Hour Annuity Suitability Course
This 4-hour course will meet your one time Certification Requirements to start selling Annuities in the state of Indiana. No additional reporting fees!
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 29720
Indiana 3 Hour Ethics Review
This course satisfies the 3 hours of required ethics training for any Indiana insurance producer, and applies to producers in all lines. No additional reporting fees!
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 40275
Indiana 3 Hour NFIP Review (2024)
This 3-hour course will meet your one-time Certification Requirements to start selling Flood Insurance in the state of Indiana, with no additional reporting fees!
Indiana Department of Insurance Course ID: 44225
Indiana Insurance Continuing Education Requirements
Resident Requirements
Indiana residents who wish to renew their insurance licenses are required to meet the Indiana Insurance Continuing Education (CE) requirements. These requirements must be finished and submitted to the state every two years in order for the license to be renewed unless the licensee meets the requirements for CE exemption.
Producers with lines of authority in life and health products must complete 24 hours of insurance CE, including three hours of ethics CE for every licensing period. Producers with lines of authority in property and casualty properties and adjusters must complete 24 hours of insurance CE, but they do not have an ethics requirement. Producers or adjusters can fulfill their requirements by taking courses in any line of authority.
Rules for Non-Residents
Non-residents are exempt from Indiana's CE hour requirements if they are licensed in their home state and they are in compliance with their home state's CE requirements. Non-residents are also exempt from Indiana long term care CE requirements as long as they are in compliance with their home state's guidelines.
If the non-resident's home state does not have any CE hour requirements, the non-resident licensee must meet Indiana's CE requirements.
Carryover of Excess CE
While excess CE benefits the licensee, no excess CE hours may be rolled over into the next licensing term.
Insurance License Term Renewal Requirements
The state of Indiana sets insurance licenses to expire every two years based on the birth month of the insurance licensee. Licenses renew or expire on the last day of the licensees birth month between one and two years after the license is first issued.
For example, if the licensee is first approved in December 2018 and the licensee was born in October, then the first renewal will occur on October 31st, 2020, and every two years thereafter.
In order for the license renewal to be approved, all CE hours must be submitted and approved before the renewal date. Licensees can renew their license online as early as 90 days before their renewal date as long as all of their CE hours are submitted and approved.
Course completion records are submitted by the course providers, who have a two-week window to submit the hours. Licensees should confirm that their CE hours have been submitted before renewing their license.
Rules for Taking the Exam
The state of Indiana requires that all CE course exams are taken as closed-book tests, without any outside material or information present. Exams must be passed with at least a 70% in order for the course hours to count for credit. Failed exams may be retaken an unlimited number of times to allow the course to count for credit.
All CE exams must be proctored by either a testing center employee or a producer who is licensed in Indiana. Proctors may be related to or coworkers with the student so long as they have their insurance license. Unproctored tests disqualify the student from receiving credit for that class at all.
Rules for Repeating a Course
No Indiana insurance CE course may be repeated during a given licensing period. Once a license has been renewed, the licensee may repeat the course for credit towards their next license renewal.
Credit for Instructors
Course instructors for Indiana CE courses may not receive credit for the courses they teach. Instructors are still responsible for attending CE courses to fulfill their own licensing CE requirements.
Reporting Rules
CE course providers are required to submit all successfully completed course hours within 14 days of the end of the class. Adjusters and producers are not required to submit their own CE hours to the state. Licensees should take the potential 14-day delay into account when completing their CE hours to ensure that all hours are submitted to and approved by the state before the renewal date. CE hour completion can be confirmed on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website.
The state of Indiana recommends that all insurance licensees should maintain records of their completed courses for four years after course completion. Holding onto original certificates of completion for 4 years is a precaution in case of license audits.
Insurance CE Requirement Exemptions
In Indiana, there are two groups that are exempt from the state's CE requirements. These groups are:
- Any licensee who holds a limited line of authority.
- Non-resident producers in compliance with their home states' CE requirements present a PDB printout.
All other producers and adjusters in Indiana must complete the state CE requirements in order to renew their license.
Indiana Annuity Insurance Requirements
To sell, negotiate, or solicit any annuity products, Indiana producers are required to complete a one-time, 4-hour initial annuity product training course. Before this training is complete, no producer may handle any annuity product in Indiana. Non-resident producers who have completed equivalent training in their home state may apply for that course credit in Indiana.
Indiana Long-Term Care Training Requirements
Indiana has specific requirements for long-term care training beyond the federal requirements. As federal guidelines mandate, there are two basic training requirements for selling or soliciting any LTC products. On top of these requirements, Indiana requires additional training for long-term care.
First, all insurance licensees interested in selling long-term care products must complete a basic 8-hour long-term care initial training course. After this, Indiana licensees must also complete an additional 7 hours of in-class-only training for the Indiana Long Term Care Partnership Program.
Finally, every 2 years, producers must complete an additional 5 hours of long-term care insurance training. This continuing education does not cover any of the standard CE hour requirements.
This federally-mandated training covers subjects including:
- Long-term care policies, their purpose, and their function
- The various types of long-term care products
- Qualified partnerships and how they interact with public and private long-term care policies.
All Indiana-licensed producers must meet these training requirements in order to handle long-term care products. Exempt status does not exempt producers from long-term care training. Producers from outside Indiana who have completed their home state's long-term training requirement must also complete the 7-hour Indiana Long Term Care Partnership Program.
Flood Insurance Training Requirements
In order to sell, market, or solicit flood insurance in Indiana, licensees are required to complete a one-time, 3-hour course. This one-time training may be completed in a non-resident's home state as long as it is in compliance with FEMA and National Flood Insurance Program guidelines.