Maryland Insurance Continuing Education
We are a Maryland Insurance Administration approved continuing education provider (Provider ID# 208818). You can find us on the Sircon Approved Course Lookup as '. 0At Your Pace Online (208818)'.
All of our online courses can be completed At Your Pace Online in order to help you renew your insurance license, with no hidden fees. Once you complete one of our online courses, we will report your course completion directly to the state for you.
Due to state requirements, courses cannot be duplicated within 6 months of original completion for the credits to qualify for a consecutive term's CE requirements.
Maryland 3 Hour Ethics Review
Includes the $3.45 reporting fee.
This course discusses many different topics surrounding ethical practices, such as ethics versus morals, ethics in practice, ethical decision-making models that illustrate how ethical dilemmas may be solved, and the terminology used in ethics, such as tort law, equity, and more. The course will assist the student in making the proper ethical decisions, provide examples of poor ethical choices, and the legal enforcement of ethics.
Maryland 24 Hour Life and Health Package
Includes the $27.60 reporting fee.
This 24 hour continuing education course is designed to help insurance producers renew their licenses. The course is broken into three parts that focus on ethics, life insurance, and health insurance. The ethics portion discusses the concept of ethics and what it means to operate in an ethical manner. The life insurance portion discusses such topics as uses of life insurance, types of life insurance, policy provisions, annuities, and qualified retirement plans. The health insurance portion covers a number of topics including health insurance fundamentals, health insurance policies, disability coverage, group health insurance, and long term care insurance.
Maryland 24 Hour Public Adjuster Course
Includes the $27.60 reporting fee.
The focus of this continuing education course is property and casualty insurance. By completing this course, an insurance adjuster will gain 24 hours of instruction that can be applied toward license renewal. This course discusses a number of topics including professional ethics, dwelling and homeowners insurance, automobile insurance, insurance for business owners, and workers’ compensation insurance.
Maryland 24 Hour All Lines Package
Includes the $27.60 reporting fee.
The focus of this continuing education course is property and casualty. Life and Health, and ethics. By completing this course, an insurance producer will gain 24 hours of instruction that can be applied toward license renewal. This course discusses a number of topics including professional ethics, dwelling and homeowners insurance, automobile insurance, insurance for business owners, workers’ compensation insurance, annuities, qualified retirement plans, disability insurance, group health insurance, and the taxation of both life and health insurance benefits.
Maryland 24 Hour Property and Casualty Package
Includes the $27.60 reporting fee.
The focus of this continuing education course is property and casualty insurance. By completing this course, an insurance producer will gain 24 hours of instruction that can be applied toward license renewal. This course discusses a number of topics including professional ethics, dwelling and homeowners insurance, automobile insurance, insurance for business owners, and workers’ compensation insurance.
Maryland 21 Hour Property and Casualty Review
Includes the $24.15 reporting fee.
Insurance producers who take this course will gain 21 hours of continuing education on property and casualty insurance. This course discusses a number of subjects including insurance for private residences, automobile insurance, commercial insurance, and workers’ comp.
Maryland 21 Hour Life and Health Review
Includes the $24.15 reporting fee.
This 21 hour continuing education course is designed to help insurance producers renew their licenses. The course is broken into two parts that focus on life and health insurance respectively. The life insurance portion discusses such topics as uses of life insurance, types of life insurance, policy provisions, annuities, and qualified retirement plans. The health insurance portion covers a number of topics including health insurance fundamentals, health insurance policies, disability coverage, group health insurance, and long term care insurance.
Maryland 21 Hour Adjuster Review
Includes the $24.15 reporting fee.
Insurance adjueters who take this course will gain 21 hours of continuing education on property and casualty insurance. This course discusses a number of subjects including insurance for private residences, automobile insurance, commercial insurance, and workers’ comp.
Maryland 10 Hour Life and Health Review
Includes the $11.50 reporting fee.
This course is made up of 10 hours of continuing education content exploring life and health insurance. This course is designed to help insurance producers renew their license. The lessons in this course address a number of topics including annuities, qualified retirement plans, disability insurance, group health insurance, and the taxation of both life and health insurance benefits.
Maryland 11 Hour Property and Casualty Review
Includes the $12.65 reporting fee.
In this 11 hour course of study, insurance producers will find instruction on property and casualty insurance. The content of this course examines fundamentals of property and casualty insurance, insurance for private residences, and automobile insurance.
Maryland 11 Hour Adjuster Course
Includes the $12.65 reporting fee.
In this 11 hour course of study, insurance adjusters will find instruction on property and casualty insurance. The content of this course examines fundamentals of property and casualty insurance, insurance for private residences, and automobile insurance.
Maryland 10 Hour Adjuster Course
Includes the $11.50 reporting fee.
In this 10 hour course, an insurance adjuster will gain instruction on property and casualty insurance for commercial enterprises. Specifically, the course discusses commercial package policies, businessowners insurance and workers’ compensation insurance.
Maryland 2 Hour NFIP Certification Course (2024)
Includes the $2.30 reporting fee.
This 2 Hour course will meet your Certification requirements to sell Flood Insurance in the state of Maryland. No additional reporting fees.
Maryland Insurance Continuing Education Requirements
Carryover of Excess CE
Additional credits earned in a renewal period may not be carried over to the next term.
Note: CE credit hours may be completed via any combination of in-classroom, self-study, or online coursework.
Resident Requirements
Resident producers and public adjusters must complete a minimum of 24 hours of Maryland Insurance Administration-approved CE subjects during each 2-year (biennium) reporting period. CE courses must be in the category or subdivision of the insurance listed on the license. 3 of these credit hours must cover the subject of ethics.
For public adjusters, additional hours of ethics credits will not count toward their required CE credits. Property and casualty courses do, however, contribute to this requirement.
Combined life/health and property/casualty producers must complete at least 6 hours of coursework in each line of authority and 3 hours of ethics as a part of their 24 credit hours. Any remaining credits may be fulfilled by courses in either insurance line.
- Producers in these combined lines who qualify for reduced CE requirements must complete at least 2 hours of CE in each line, 3 hours of ethics, and the remaining one 1 can be in either line.
Additional guidelines for CE requirements apply to licensees who sell specific products, including:
- Flood: 2 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) training credit hours must be fulfilled every renewal period. Excess flood courses cannot be applied to other CE requirements in the property/casualty line.
- Long-Term Care (LTC): a one-time, 8-hour training requirement must be completed in addition to at least 2 hours of LTC CE every biennial period.
- Long-Term Care Partnership: a one-time, 8-hour training requirement must be completed in addition to at least 4 hours of LTC CE completed every biennial period.
- Annuities: a one-time, 4-hour training course must be completed.
Per state regulations, companies are also required to provide at least 2 hours of anti-fraud training to employees every 2 years.
Rules for Non-Residents
Non-residents in compliance with their state's CE requirements are exempt from completing Maryland CE. However, if your home state does not have CE requirements or those requirements do not meet the standards for your license type or line of authority in Maryland, you will have to complete the associated Maryland resident CE requirements.
LTC agents must comply with the initial LTC 8-hour training in Maryland or their home state, provided that the state meets the standards of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) LTC Model.
Insurance License Term Renewal Requirements
License renewals are on a two-year cycle based on the birth month of the licensee. Your license expires on the last day of your birth month every 2 years, based on the year of original licensing.
As of January 1, 2020, producers must complete the required CE hours no later than 15 days prior to their license expiration date. Public adjusters must complete the requirements within 30 days of license expiration.
For example: A producer whose license was awarded in an even-numbered year will need to complete renewal requirements before the last day of their birth month in the next even-numbered year.
Renewals may be submitted via paper to the Maryland Insurance Administration or electronically at the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) website. Licensees are eligible to renew starting 90 days prior to their license expiration date.
The license renewal fees are:
- $69 for producers
- $65 for public adjusters
- $50 for viatical settlement brokers or providers
- $200 for surplus lines
- $215 for advisers
Residents who fail to renew before their expiration date may complete their CE within 1 year and submit their application with the appropriate fee plus a $100 late fee. After this 1-year period, residents must complete a pre-licensing course and pass the Maryland exam before their license can be reinstated.
Rules for Taking the Exam
Certification exams are closed-book and students are not permitted to access course materials during the exam. No monitor is required.
A score of 70 percent or higher is required to receive CE credit. Unlimited retakes are permitted until a passing score is achieved.
Rules for Repeating a Course
Courses may not be repeated within the same renewal period. In addition, courses cannot be duplicated within 6 months of completion for the credits to qualify for a consecutive term's CE requirements.
Credit for Instructors
CE course instructors are eligible to receive 1.5 times the credit amount awarded to students enrolled in any course they are teaching.
Reporting Rules
Credits must be reported within 10 days of course completion and should be submitted to the state directly by the course provider.
It is recommended to complete all CE at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of your license to give the CE provider sufficient time to report successful completions to the Maryland Insurance Administration.
A $1.00 per credit hour reporting fee will be automatically charged to the licensee by the Maryland Insurance Administration using credit card information currently on file with the Administration.
Insurance CE Requirement Exemptions
Some resident licensees may qualify for full CE exemptions, including:
- A licensee who holds only the title line of insurance and is a Maryland attorney in good standing with the Maryland Court of Appeals.
- Limited lines licensees.
- Individuals selling only travel insurance.
- Individuals selling only credit insurance.
- Licensees over age 70.
Other resident licensees may qualify for partial CE exemptions:
- Licensees holding a continuously active license for 25 years may have CE credit requirements reduced from 24 hours to 8 hours.
- Producers who hold the title line of authority only or the life line-of-authority only and are licensed as a funeral director or mortician are required to complete 16 hours of CE
Licensees who qualify for full or partial CE exemption must contact the Administration to verify this eligibility.
Maryland Annuity Insurance Requirements
Before selling, soliciting, or negotiating annuity products in Maryland, insurance producers must complete a one-time, 4 annuities training course approved by the Administration and provided by an Administration-approved continuing education provider.
This course covers topics, such as:
- The fundamentals of annuity contracts, individual suitability, and sales practices
- Variable and fixed annuities
- Immediate and deferred plans
- Different types of premiums
- Appropriate tax rules
This requirement may be waived for licensees who have satisfied similar annuity suitability requirements in another state.
Maryland Long-Term Care Training Requirements
Producers selling long-term care products in Maryland must complete a one-time, state-approved training course consisting of a minimum of 8 hours.
Following this initial training, producers selling LTC products are required to complete 2 hours of CE training. Producers selling LTC Partnership products are required to complete 4 hours of CE training every biennial period.