New Hampshire Insurance Continuing Education
We are an approved New Hampshire Insurance Department education provider (Provider ID# 130287).
At Your Pace Online makes completing your New Hampshire Insurance Producer CE a breeze. With us, your classes are always available to you, so they can be done any time of day or night! Our courses are approved by the state, and when you're finished, we'll report your credits to the state, for free.
New Hampshire 24 Hour Life & Health Package
This course provides all 24 hours of CE that you need! This course will review key concepts and principles of Life & Health insurance. It includes 3 hours of ethics education and 21 hours of general Life and Health topics.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Numbers: 6000099848 and 6000099847)
New Hampshire 24 Hour Property & Casualty Package
This course applies to producers in the P&C line of insurance, and provides all 24 hours of the CE that you need! In the course, we will review key concepts and principles of Property and Casualty insurance. It includes 21 hours of Property & Casualty education and three hours of Ethics.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Numbers: 6000099830 and 6000099847)
New Hampshire 24 Hour Adjuster Package
This course provides all 24 hours of Multi-line Adjuster CE that you need! This course will review key concepts and principles of property and casualty topics. It includes 3 hours of adjuster ethics and 21 hours of mutli-line adjuster topics.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Numbers: 6000102082 and 6000102081)
New Hampshire 21 Hour Life & Health Review
This 21 hour continuing education course is designed to help insurance producers renew their licenses. The course is broken into two parts that focus on life and health insurance respectively. The topics discussed include policy provisions, annuities, qualified retirement plans, health insurance policies, disability coverage, group health insurance, and long term care insurance.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Numbers: 6000099848)
New Hampshire 21 Hour Property & Casualty Review
Insurance producers who take this course will gain 21 hours of continuing education on property and casualty insurance. This course discusses a number of subjects including insurance for private residences, automobile insurance, commercial insurance, and workers’ comp.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Numbers: 6000099830)
New Hampshire 21 Hour Adjuster Course
This course provides 21 hours of Multi-line Adjuster CE! This course will review key concepts and principles of property and casualty topics. This course discusses a number of subjects including insurance for private residences, automobile insurance, commercial insurance, and workers’ comp.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Number: 6000102081)
New Hampshire 8 Hour Initial LTC Continuing Education Course
This 8 hour class is approved by the State of New Hampshire. It meets the mandatory initial continuing education requirement to start selling Long Term Care Insurance for those licensed in accident and health, or life.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Number: 479146)
NH Suitability in Annuity Transactions
This four-hour training course is designed to meet the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) education requirements for producers authorized to sell annuities. Specifically, this course includes the 2020 updates to the NAIC’s amended Model Regulations for annuity transactions. This course covers annuity suitability and best interest laws, as well as in-depth information on types of annuities, understanding each party of an annuity, contract structures, recordkeeping, contract provisions, and more. This course will teach students how to help a customer choose an annuity product that is right for them, and how to do so lawfully.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Number: 6000170014)
New Hampshire 4 Hour Long-Term Care Ongoing CE
This course applies to producers who need to renew their Long-Term Care Certification to continue selling LTC Insurance. This course will review key principles and concepts related to long-term care insurance policies. No additional reporting fees.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Number: 479145)
New Hampshire 3 Hour Ethics Review
This course applies to producers in all lines. It includes Ethics for Insurance Producers. This course satisfies all 3 hours of ethics training for any NH insurance producer.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Number: 6000099847)
New Hampshire 3 Hour Adjuster Ethics Review
This course applies to adjusters of all types. It includes Ethics for Insurance Adjusters. This course satisfies all 3 hours of ethics training for any NH insurance adjuster.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Number: 6000102082)
NH FEMA 3 Hour NFIP (2024)
This 3-hour course for property and casualty insurance producers meets the continuing education requirements for those wishing to sell flood insurance in this state. The course includes important flood insurance material including the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and changes, community participation requirements, premium rating including Risk Rating 2.0, coastal barriers, flood maps and zones, policies and products that are available, including applicable definitions. Moving on, the course details preferred policies, coverage provided, exclusions and conditions. Increased cost of compliance, general rules, covered claims, loss settlements, binders, group flood coverage, types of buildings, ICC claims, the FIRA handbook, agent resources, write-your-own coverage compared to the plan through FEMA, and much more.
New Hampshire Department of Insurance (ID Number: 6000170015)
New Hampshire Insurance Continuing Education Requirements
Resident Requirements
Resident producers must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of New Hampshire-approved producer continuing education subjects each biennial (2-year) license term. Courses approved for adjusters only are not accepted to meet this total. At least three credits must be in ethics subjects, but no more than 10 ethics credits are applicable toward the 24-hour requirement.
Resident adjusters are required to complete 15 credit hours of approved CE every two years. As of January 1, 2020, three of these credits must be in ethics subjects.
Depending on the adjuster's line of work, there are additional guidelines:
- Multi-line adjusters: Multi-line adjusters may take only courses approved for multi-line or workers' compensation. The CE requirement for multi-line adjusters increased from 20 to 24 hours biennially, including three hours of ethics courses, as of January 1st, 2020.
- Workers' compensation adjusters: As of January 1, 2020, the CE requirement increased from 20 to 24 credit hours biennially. Of this requirement, three hours must be in ethics subjects and a minimum of 10 hours must be completed in subjects approved for workers' compensation. The remaining CE hours can be completed in any subject approved for adjusters.
Additional guidelines to this CE requirement exist for licensees who sell specific products, including:
- Life and Health insurance: Producers must complete a one-time, eight-hour training course and 4 hours of ongoing long-term care (LTC) training every renewal period
- Annuities: Resident producers must complete a one-time, four-hour training course
- Flood insurance: Resident producers must complete a one-time, three-hour course that covers the minimum training requirements established by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
CE coursework may be in-classroom, online, or through self-study. The New Hampshire Department of Insurance also accepts completed coursework that satisfies professional designations including LUTCF, CLU, ChFC, and CFP.
Per state regulations, companies are required to provide anti-fraud training and cybersecurity awareness training (as of January 1, 2020) to employees as well.
Rules for Non-Residents
Non-residents in compliance with their own state's CE requirements are exempt from completing New Hampshire CE, provided their home state's requirements are similar to those set by New Hampshire law. This includes CE requirements for producers selling annuity and long-term care products.
Non-resident producers who do not have a CE requirement in their state may be required to comply with standards set for their line of work by New Hampshire.
Non-resident adjusters who do not have to complete CE training in their home state must complete 15 hours of New Hampshire-approved CE coursework. If declaring New Hampshire as their Designated Home State, adjusters must meet resident requirements.
The New Hampshire Department of Insurance may verify a non-resident's compliance and standing with their home state's license requirements.
Carryover of Excess CE
Excess CE credit hours earned cannot be carried over from one biennium to the next.
Insurance License Term Renewal Requirements
The license expiration date for both producers and adjusters is on the last day of the licensee's birth month biennially, based on the year of licensing.
The New Hampshire Insurance Department sends licensees a renewal notice 60 days prior to their license expiration date. This reminder is sent to the licensee's email address on record with the Department. Non-receipt of this email, however, does not disqualify a licensee from meeting their CE requirements.
Licensees must complete CE requirements 60 days before their expiration date for their license to be renewed by the State of New Hampshire.
- CE completed in this 60-day window prior to license expiration will be accepted but an additional late fee will be charged. This fee is $50 for producers and $25 for adjusters.
- CE completed after license expiry will be accepted to reinstate a license. The late fee for past-expiry CE credit submitted is $100 for producers and $50 for adjusters.
- If a licensee does not comply with CE requirements within 2 years of license expiry, they must apply for a new license and re-take the licensing exam.
Renewals must be processed online through the NIPR website. Licensees are eligible to renew their license from 60 days prior to their expiration date.
License renewal fees are:
- $150 for insurance producers
- $75 for insurance adjusters
Rules for Taking the Exam
Certification exams are open book and students are permitted to access course materials during the exam. Exams do not require a monitor.
A score of 70 percent or higher is required to receive CE credit, and unlimited retakes are permitted until a passing score is achieved.
Rules for Repeating a Course
Credit will be granted only once for the completion of the same course repeated during an individual renewal period. A course can, however, be repeated for CE credit in different renewal periods.
Credit for Instructors
CE course instructors are eligible to receive the same credit as the students enrolled in the course taught. Instructors are only eligible to receive credit for an individual course taught once per renewal period.
Reporting Rules
Credits must be reported to State Based Systems (SBS) within 15 days of course completion, which should be submitted to the state directly by the course provider.
It is recommended that you complete all CE at least 30 days prior to your CE due date (which is 60 days before the license's expiration) to give the CE provider sufficient time to report successful completions to the New Hampshire Department of Insurance. However, CE courses can be completed at any time within the current license term.
CE students are required to pay a $1.00 per credit hour reporting fee. This fee is paid to the education provider and then forwarded to SBS.
Insurance CE Requirement Exemptions
Some resident licensees may qualify for CE exemptions, including:
- New licensees renewing their license for the first time
- Title insurance producers
- Licensees holding limited lines licenses that do not require an exam
- Licensees holding limited or restricted licenses declared exempt by the commissioner
Annuity Insurance Requirements
Producers intending to sell, solicit, or negotiate annuity products or represent an insurer in relation to an annuity product in New Hampshire must complete a one-time, 4-hour certification training course.
This course covers topics including:
- The fundamentals of annuity contracts, individual suitability, and sales practices
- Variable and fixed annuities, immediate and deferred plans, and different types of premiums and appropriate tax rules
Long-Term Care Training Requirements
Producers in New Hampshire selling long term care policies certified as a Qualified Partnership must be licensed as an insurance producer for accident and health or life. These producers are required to complete an initial one-time, eight-hour training course.
To maintain this license, producers must complete four hours of LTC training every biennial renewal period. This training can apply to the licensee's CE requirements.