
New York 15 Hour Property and Casualty Review Training

  • 15 Hour Course
  • 4.6 295 Reviews
  • $49.00

The content of this 15-hour continuing education course for insurance producers is divided into seven segments each with a general area of interest.

The first segment of the course examines common forms of property and casualty insurance. It explores other specialty forms of property and casualty insurance. Specifically, this segment talks about excess and umbrella insurance, errors and omission insurance, and surety bonds.

The second segment introduces the first of the required topics to be covered, as per the 2022 rule change: Insurance Law. This lesson discusses the recent addition of four required topics to the CE requirements for producers selling one or more forms of property and casualty insurance. The lesson also touches upon common areas of legal trouble.

The third segment is a discussion of ethics and ethical behavior. This segment talks about the concept of ethics but also looks at how ethics apply to insurance producers in the real world. It is also one of the four required topics to be covered.

Next, is another required topic: Diversity, inclusion, and elimination of bias instruction. This section looks into current human rights law in New York, before discussing bias, embracing diversity, and a general outline on how diversity programs should run.

And finally, the course concludes with a look into flood insurance and the NFIP. This is the final required topic required for property and casualty producers.

At the end of the course, a student will be required to complete a 50-question exam that will test on topics from throughout the course. The purpose of this exam is to improve comprehension and retention of the training. This course meets the new topic requirements.



  • Course ID(s): 3201
  • Approved By: New York Department of Financial Services

Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.

Course Reviews

295 Reviews