
Oklahoma Insurance Continuing Education

We are an approved Oklahoma Insurance Department education provider (Provider ID# 10015172). Don't let your continuing education requirements get in the way of your business - take them when you want, where you want! At Your Pace Online offers Oklahoma state-approved CE courses, available online using any internet capable device. Take the classes At Your Pace, and when you're done, we'll report your credits to the state - for free!

Due to state requirements, courses cannot be retaken for credit within 24 months of the original completion date.



Oklahoma 24 Hour Complete Adjuster Package

clock hour icon 24h course

Includes the $24 reporting fee.

This package provides insurance adjusters with their required 24 hours of continuing education. This current and updated course includes a number of current and interesting property and casualty insurance topics. The course begins with the required two-hour continuing education requirement on Oklahoma’s most recent legislative updates to the laws and rules, followed by the three-hour ethics

for adjusters requirement. The course then dives into specific policies, starting with an updated section on earthquake insurance, followed by dwelling and homeowner insurance contracts,

personal and commercial/business automobile coverage, commercial coverage policies, businessowners (BOPs) policies, and a general overview of workers’ compensation coverage.

This course is approved for Adjusters only.

4.2 12 Reviews

Oklahoma 2 Hour Legislative Updates

clock hour icon 2h course

Includes the $24 reporting fee.

Insurance licensees operating in Oklahoma can satisfy their two-hour renewal requirement for legislative updates on insurance related practices. A number of  House and Senate Bills are discussed, including specific changes, additions and supplemental material on statutory and administrative code legislation. The course concentrates on those items listed in the Legislative Updates publication and lends particular attention to insurance legislation updates and changes.  

The material explores changes to licensing and renewals, bail bonds legislation, regulatory compliance and associated legislation, revised rules on electronic filings, the Pharmacy Choice Commission and its amendments, and the duties of the Insurance Commissioner in regulating pharmacy choice commissions. Filings and payments in electronic formats are discussed, and civil penalties and fines for violations are detailed. Requirements and procedures for certain foreign insurers to become domestic insurers are discussed, and automobile and motorcycle physical damage and liability changes are shown, and much more.  

4.0 26 Reviews

Oklahoma 24 Hour P&C w/2025-2026 Legal

clock hour icon 24h course

Includes the $24 reporting fee.

This package provides property and casualty insurance producers with their required 24 hours of continuing education. This current and updated course includes a number of current and interesting property and casualty insurance topics, including dwelling and homeowner insurance, personal and commercial/business automobile coverage, commercial coverage policies, businessowners (BOPs) policies, a general overview of workers’ compensation coverage, and then moves into the required three hours of insurance ethics. The course finishes with a section on earthquake coverage and the required two-hour legislative updates material.The course includes many examples, images and illustrations that will assist your studies and retention of the material.

This course is approved for Producers only.

4.7 14 Reviews

Oklahoma 24 Hour L&H w/2025-2026

clock hour icon 24h course

Includes the $24 reporting fee.

This package provides life and health insurance producers with their required 24 hours of continuing education. This current and updated course includes a number of important and interesting life and health insurance topics, including general insurance concepts, life insurance policies, annuities, qualified plans, tax concerns, group insurance, medical plans, and much more. Also included in the course are the three-hour ethics course and Oklahoma’s two-hour legislative updates. The course includes many examples, images and illustrations that will assist your studies and retention of the material.

This course is approved only for insurance producers.

4.1 13 Reviews

Oklahoma 3 Hour Ethics Review

clock hour icon 3h course

Includes the $3 reporting fee.

This course satisfies 3 hours of ethics training for any Oklahoma insurance producer, and applies to producers in all lines. It includes an Ethics review for Insurance Producers. 

This course is approved Universally for all lines.

4.3 310 Reviews

Oklahoma 19 Hour Life and Health Review

clock hour icon 19h course

Includes the $19 reporting fee.

This package provides insurance producers with 19 hours of continuing education training. This course will review key concepts and principles of life and health insurance including policy types, common policy provisions, retirement plans, Medicare, and taxation of life and health insurance benefits.

This course is approved for Producers only.

4.5 31 Reviews

Oklahoma 18 Hour Property and Casualty Review

clock hour icon 18h course

Includes the $18 reporting fee.

This 18 hour course is intended for insurance producers that need to renew their professional license. The continuing education content in this course examines important types of property and casualty insurance such as dwelling and homeowners insurance, automobile insurance, commercial insurance, businessowners insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance.

This course is approved for Producers only.

3.9 30 Reviews

Oklahoma 18 Hour Adjuster Review

clock hour icon 18h course

Includes the $18 reporting fee.

This 18 hour course is intended for insurance producers that need to renew their professional license. The continuing education content in this course examines important types of property and casualty insurance such as dwelling and homeowners insurance, automobile insurance, commercial insurance, businessowners insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance.

This course is approved for Adjusters only.

4.2 35 Reviews

Oklahoma 8 Hour Initial LTC Continuing Education Course

clock hour icon 8h course

Includes the $8 reporting fee.

This eight-hour course applies to producers who need to earn their initial certification in order to transact long-term care (LTC) insurance. This course will cover key principles and concepts related to long-term care insurance coverage and will discuss a number of important issues surrounding long-term care, including an introduction to the history and concepts related to LTC, what long-term care insurance is and its associated uses, levels of care, eligibility for coverage, settings for care, the Activities of Daily Living, alternatives such as Medicare, Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans, and Medicaid.

The course continues with a deep look at long-term care policies, including the basics and in-depth material. Elimination periods, general underwriting, benefit periods, tax issues and tax-qualified contracts, agent and insurer responsibilities, replacement concerns, optional benefits and riders are thoroughly explored. The last sections of the course detail the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Long-Term Care Model Act and its requirements.

The course contains numerous illustrations and graphics to assist comprehension, as well as simplifications of difficult laws and rules.

The course concludes with a final exam that must be successfully passed in order to receive certification for the course.


Oklahoma 4 Hour LTC Ongoing CE Course

clock hour icon 4h course

Includes the $4 reporting fee.

This course applies to producers who need to renew their Long-Term Care Certification to continue selling LTC Insurance.This course will review key principles and concepts related to long-term care insurance policies. No additional reporting costs!

This course is approved for Producers only.

4.1 32 Reviews

Oklahoma 3 Hour NFIP Review

clock hour icon 3h course

Includes the $3 reporting fee.

This 3-hour course for property and casualty insurance producers meets the continuing education requirements for those wishing to sell flood insurance in this state. The course includes important flood insurance material including the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and changes, community participation requirements, premium rating including Risk Rating 2.0, coastal barriers, flood maps and zones, policies and products that are available, including applicable definitions. Moving on, the course details preferred policies, coverage provided, exclusions and conditions. Increased cost of compliance, general rules, covered claims, loss settlements, binders, group flood coverage, types of buildings, ICC claims, the FIRA handbook, agent resources, write-your-own coverage compared to the plan through FEMA, and much more.No additional reporting costs!

This course is approved for Producers only.


Oklahoma 1 Hour Earthquake Insurance Review

clock hour icon 1h course

Includes the $1 reporting fee.

This course will fulfill the one hour earthquake education requirement for all property and casualty insurance producers. This course is approved universally for all lines. No additional reporting costs!

4.7 920 Reviews

Oklahoma Insurance Continuing Education Requirements

Resident Requirements

In Oklahoma, all resident producers must complete state continuing education (CE) requirements prior to their license renewal.

All resident producers, except Title producers, are required to complete a minimum of 24 CE credit hours during each two-year license renewal period. Of the 24 total CE credit hours, three must be spent on an ethics course. Additionally, two credit hours must be dedicated to a legislative updates course. The remaining 19 credit hours will be spent on general courses.

For producers and adjusters who hold a Property line of authority, one credit hour must be dedicated to an earthquake course. This one-hour course will be counted towards the 19 general credit hour requirement.

Title producers are subject to unique CE credit hour requirements. Title producers must complete 16 CE credit hours during each two-year licensing period. Of the 16 total CE credit hours, two must be dedicated to ethics courses. Additionally, two credit hours must come from a legislative updates course. The remaining 12 credit hours will be spent on general courses.


Rules for Non-Residents

A non-resident producer who satisfies their home state's CE requirements is exempt from the Oklahoma CE requirements. Your home state's CE requirements must be substantially similar to or reciprocal with Oklahoma's to qualify for this exemption.


Carryover of Excess CE

You can carry up to six excess CE credit hours over to the next license renewal period. Any carryover credits will count towards the general hour requirements, regardless of the original course content.


Insurance License Term Renewal Requirements

The licensing period for Oklahoma producers is two years. A license expires on the last day of your birth month. The renewal year is based on the original licensure year. Therefore, producers originally licensed in an even-numbered year will renew in an even year, and producers originally licensed in an odd-numbered year will renew in an odd year.

You may renew your license up to 90 days prior to the date of expiration. All renewals must be processed online. It is considered best practice to have all CE requirements completed at least 30 days before your license expiration date.


Rules for Taking the Exam

There is no state exam requirement for self-study/correspondence CE courses in Oklahoma. However, most CE providers require that you complete a final exam successfully to receive course credit.


Rules for Repeating a Course

Licensees cannot repeat a course within a 24-month period from the date of course completion.


Credit for Instructors

A qualified instructor will earn the same CE credit hours for presenting an approved course as a student earns for completing the course.


Reporting Rules

You're required to submit a record of completed courses electronically within 10 business days of completion. You'll submit the record via your SBS Online CE Account. Course completion certificates must be distributed to you by the provider for each CE course that you attend. This certificate is for your records and does not need to be provided to the Oklahoma Insurance Department.


Insurance CE Requirement Exemptions

Non-resident producers who have met CE requirements in their home state are not subject to Oklahoma's CE requirements. The home state requirements must be substantially similar to Oklahoma's for the exemption to apply. 

The following Limited lines producers are exempt from CE requirements in Oklahoma: 

  • Credit Life
  • Credit Disability
  • Credit Property
  • Credit Unemployment
  • Involuntary Unemployment
  • Mortgage Life
  • Mortgage Guaranty
  • Mortgage Disability
  • Automobile Protection Insurance
  • Motor Service Club
  • Portable Electronics
  • Prepaid Legal Liability Insurance
  • Crop/Hail
  • Car Rental
  • Surety and Travel


Oklahoma Annuity Requirements

Annuity producers are subject to special requirements in the state of Oklahoma. 

You're not allowed to sell, solicit, or negotiate the sale of an annuity product unless you have adequate prior knowledge of the product. To this end, you must be licensed with a Life line-of-authority and complete a one-time, four credit hour training course on annuity suitability.

An annuity suitability course must cover the following topics:

  • The types of annuities and various classifications of annuities
  • Identification of the parties to an annuity
  • How fixed, variable, and indexed annuity contract provisions affect consumers
  • The application of income taxation of qualified and non-qualified annuities
  • The primary uses of annuities
  • Appropriate sales practices, replacement, and disclosure agreements

If you've received annuity suitability training in another state, you've satisfied the Oklahoma training requirement. This is contingent upon the training requirements being substantially similar to those of Oklahoma.

It is the insurer's responsibility to verify that you have completed annuity suitability training prior to allowing you to engage in the sale of their annuity products.


Oklahoma Long-term Care Insurance Training Requirements

Long-term care insurance producers are subject to special requirements in the state of Oklahoma. 

You may not sell, solicit, or negotiate long-term care insurance unless you are licensed as an insurance producer for Accident and Health, Sickness, or Life. You must also complete a one-time eight credit hour training course on long-term care insurance, and spend a further four CE credit hours on long-term care insurance every license renewal period.

Training must consist of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and qualified state long-term care insurance partnership programs if applicable. Specific topics may include:

  • State and federal regulations and requirements
  • The relationship between qualified state long-term care insurance partnership programs and other public and private coverage of long-term care services, including Medicaid
  • Available long-term care services and providers
  • Alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care insurance
  • The effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection
  • Consumer suitability standards and guidelines

Training may not cover content that is specific to the insurer or company - for example, sales and marketing information, materials, or training.

If you have met substantially similar training requirements for long-term care insurance in another state, you will be considered to have satisfied the Oklahoma requirements.

Class Sample