
Oregon 24 Hour Life and Health Package with Ethics

  • 24 Hour Course
  • 4.1 195 Reviews
  • $63.00

An insurance producer who is looking to renew their license will gain 24 hours of continuing education on life and accident and health insurance, including 3 hours Ethics, and 3 hours Statutory Changes. 

The first section in this package will cover the 2021 Rule & Law Update; This 3-hour class fulfills the requirement for all licensed insurance producers to obtain continuing education on recent changes to the rules and laws that govern insurance. The class covers numerous changes that occurred from 2017 to the first part of 2021, including major developments in Balance Billing, Reinsurance, Prescription Drug Prices, EHBs, and the recent crises that hit the state.

The 18 Hour Life and Health section of this package is concerned with life and accident and health insurance. An insurance producer will gain training on a number of topics including the general concepts of insurance, annuities, qualified retirement plans, disability insurance, dental insurance, long term care insurance, and the taxation of life and health insurance benefits.

The last portion of this package will be the 3-Hour Ethics For Insurance Professionals; This final section will discusses many different topics surrounding ethical practices, such as ethics versus morals, ethics in practice, ethical decision-making models that illustrate how ethical dilemmas may be solved, and the terminology used in ethics, such as tort law, equity, and more. The course will assist the student in making the proper ethical decisions, provide examples of poor ethical choices, and the legal enforcement of ethics.


OR Insurance Division ID: 6000095760, 6000087259 & 6000086423

  • Approved By: Oregon Insurance Division

Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.

Course Reviews

195 Reviews