
Vermont Insurance Continuing Education

We are an approved Vermont Department of Financial Regulation education provider. Completing your Vermont Insurance Producer CE couldn't be easier. Sign up online or over the phone for instant access to your courses. Complete your CE when it works for you - any time of day or night. When you're done, we'll provide you with a certificate of completion and report your credits to SBS, so you can get back to doing what you do best!


Vermont 24 Hour Life and Health Review with Ethics

clock hour icon 24h course

This course provides all 24 hours of CE that you need! It will review key concepts and principles of Life & Health insurance. It includes 3 hours of ethics, 21 hours of continuing education content and the mandatory exam. Your course tuition includes the required $1.50/hr reporting fee required by the state.

VT Department of Financial Regulation ID: 6000103968

4.2 49 Reviews

Vermont 24 Hour Property & Casualty Review with Ethics

clock hour icon 24h course

This course provides all 24 hours of CE that you need! This course will review key concepts and principles of Property & Casualty insurance. It includes 3 hours of ethics, 21 hours of general content and the mandatory exam. Your course tuition includes the required $1.50/hr reporting fee required by the state.

VT Department of Financial Regulation ID: 6000103959

4.0 19 Reviews

Vermont 8 Hour Initial Long-Term Care Continuing Education Course

clock hour icon 8h course

This 8 hour class is approved by the State of Vermont. It meets the mandatory initial continuing education requirement to start selling Long Term Care Insurance for licensed accident and health or sickness or life producers. Your course tuition includes the $1.50/hr mandatory reporting fee.

VT Department of Financial Regulation ID: 26561


VT Annuity and Sustainability 4 HR

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This four-hour training course is designed to meet the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) education requirements for producers authorized to sell annuities. Specifically, this course includes the 2020 updates to the NAIC’s amended Model Regulations for annuity transactions. This course covers annuity suitability and best interest laws, as well as in-depth information on types of annuities, understanding each party of an annuity, contract structures, recordkeeping, contract provisions, and more. This course will teach students how to help a customer choose an annuity product that is right for them, and how to do so lawfully.

VT Department of Financial Regulation ID: 6000177238


Vermont 4 Hour Long-Term Care Ongoing CE

clock hour icon 4h course

This course applies to producers who need to renew their Long-Term Care Certification to continue selling LTC Insurance. This course will review key principles and concepts related to long-term care insurance policies. Your course tuition includes the required $1.50/hr reporting fee required by the state.

VT Department of Financial Regulation ID: 26529


Vermont 3 Hour Ethics Review

clock hour icon 3h course

This course satisfies 3 hours of ethics training for any Vermont insurance producer, and applies to producers in all lines. Your course tuition includes the $1.50/hr mandatory reporting fee required by the state.

VT Department of Financial Regulation ID: 6000103958

4.1 28 Reviews

Vermont 3 Hour NFIP Review

clock hour icon 3h course

This 3 Hour course will meet your one-time Certification Requirements to start selling Flood Insurance in the state of Vermont. Your course tuition includes the required $1.50/hr reporting fee required by the state.

VT Department of Financial Regulation ID: 6000170932

4.3 7 Reviews

Vermont Insurance Continuing Education Requirements

Resident Requirements

Resident licensees must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of Department-approved subjects during each two-year (biennial) reporting period.

Of this 24-hour requirement: 

  • Three credit hours must be in ethics subjects
  • No more than six credits may be in coursework categorized as Agency Management 

Courses may be completed in a classroom setting, through self-study, or at your own pace online. There are no other category restrictions on coursework. Licensees may take CE-approved courses in any subject. 


Rules for Non-Residents

Non-resident licensees in compliance with their home state's CE requirements are exempt from completing Vermont CE provided that the home state's requirements are similar to those set by Vermont law. 

The Vermont Department of Financial Regulation may verify a non-resident's compliance and standing with their home state's license requirements.


Carryover of Excess CE

Licensees are encouraged to complete additional CE training, but extra credits earned in a renewal period cannot be carried over to the next term. 


Insurance License Term Renewal Requirements

A Vermont insurance license expires on March 31 of odd-numbered years. This renewal date is fixed regardless of when a licensee is initially certified, but CE requirements do not apply to a licensee's first renewal term.  

Licensees are eligible to renew their licenses beginning 85 days prior to their license expiration date. All CE requirements must be met to process a license renewal. 

Licenses may be renewed online at the National Insurance Producer Registry website or by using the Vermont State Information Center Insurance Licensing Search and Renewal tool. 

Paper renewals are only accepted if the online renewal option is unavailable for an individual's license type or if a licensee has submitted a request for a Hardship Exception to renew by mail. Paper renewals must be received by the Department before the March 31 renewal deadline.

The license renewal fee is $30. 

The state of Vermont sends licensees a renewal reminder at the beginning of the renewal year. This reminder is sent to the licensee's address on record with the Department. It is the licensee's responsibility to keep their contact information up to date with the Department and report any changes.

Licensees may submit a Request for Extension before the March 31 deadline to the Office of the Commissioner in order to apply for an extension of up to six months. If a producer is not CE compliant before the end of the extension received, their license will be suspended. 

Licensees who fail to renew their license before its expiration date and do not have an extension granted must submit a new NAIC Uniform application, a $30 application fee, and a $30 license fee. With this application, the licensee must also submit copies of CE compliance certificates from the lapsed renewal period. 


Rules for Taking the Exam

Vermont CE exams are closed-book. Students may not access or refer to course material during the exam. 

Online exams must be monitored by an unbiased third party. Family members, friends, employers, colleagues, or anyone with an interest in the licensee's passing of the exam cannot act in this monitor role.

For online exam results to be accepted, monitors must complete an online Declaration of Compliance. This document confirms acknowledgment of and adherence to the specific requirements outlined by the State Department of Financial Regulation. Failure to submit this document will disqualify exam results. 

A score of 70 percent or higher is required to receive CE credit. Unlimited retakes are permitted until a passing score is achieved. 


Rules for Repeating a Course

Repeating a course is not allowed within an individual renewal period. 

A licensee can repeat courses already taken to meet CE requirements for a subsequent renewal period. 


Credit for Instructors

CE course instructors are eligible to receive the same amount of credit hours as the students enrolled in the course. Instructors are only eligible to receive credit for an individual course taught once per renewal period.


Reporting Rules

Required CE credits must be submitted to the state directly by the course provider within 20 days of course completion. Licensees must keep course completion certificates in their files for two years. 

It is recommended to complete all continuing education at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of your license to give the CE provider sufficient time to report successful completions to the Vermont State Department of Financial Regulation. However, CE courses can be completed at any time within the current license term. 


Insurance CE Requirement Exemptions 

Some resident licensees are exempt from CE reporting requirements, including:

  • New licensees in their first renewal terms
  • Personal and casualty adjusters 
  • Licensees holding limited lines, including title insurance, travel accident, and travel baggage insurance

Licensees that qualify for CE exemptions should contact the Vermont State Department of Financial Regulation to verify this eligibility. 


Vermont Long-Term Care Training Requirements

Per federal regulation, Vermont health producers must also complete specific training to sell, solicit, or negotiate long term care policies. 

Professionals licensed as an insurance producer for accident and health must complete a one-time, eight-hour training course to sell, solicit, or negotiate LTC insurance. This coursework must include at least two hours of Vermont-specific training, including Vermont Medicaid information.

Licensees must also complete four hours of ongoing LTC training every renewal period. This training can be applied to the producer's 24-hour CE requirement. 

The four-hour refresher course covers subjects including:

  • The history of long term care
  • How to build an LTC policy
  • The difference between tax-qualified and non-tax-qualified plans 
  • Alternatives that exist for individual clients 

This requirement applies to both resident non-resident agents working in Vermont.


Flood Insurance

Before selling flood insurance, agents must complete a one-time training course of three hours, in order to comply with requirements established by FEMA and the National Flood Insurance program.


Annuity Requirements

As of July 5, 2024, insurance producers in Vermont must complete a one-time annuity suitability course before selling annuity products. The course is offered in one- and four-hour versions.

If you have already completed annuity training, you can take the one-hour annuity suitability course until January 5, 2025.

If you have not taken any annuity training, you must complete the four-hour suitability course.