This exam prep course is designed to help you prepare for the state exam and get your insurance license.
Topics we'll cover in this course include fundamental concepts of Casualty insurance, as well as the basics of insurance in general. We'll talk about some federal and state regulations and laws that govern the insurance industry. In the second part of the course, we'll discuss the provisions of a standard homeowner's policy, as well as personal and commercial auto policies. Then, we'll take a look at business-related coverage, such as commercial coverage packages, worker's compensation insurance, and umbrella and excess liability policies.
Take the first step to become a Casualty Insurance Producer, At Your Pace Online!
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- Module 1
- General Insurance [22 Activities]
- 01. General Insurance: Introduction to the Entire Course
- 02. Introduction to General Insurance
- 03. What is Insurance?
- 04. Risk and Risk Management
- 05. Risk and Risk Management: Techniques and Insurable Interest
- 06. Insurers
- 07. Insurers
- 08. Financial Status
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- 09. Insurers: Financial Status
- 10. Insurance Producers
- 11. Producers and Agency Relationships
- 12. Producers and Agency Relationships: Creation of an Agency Relationship
- 13. Producers and Agency Relationship: Authority, Powers, and Responsibilities of Producers
- 14. Contracts
- 15. Contracts
- 16. Contracts and Contract Elements
- 17. Contracts: Distinct Characteristics of an Insurance Contract
- 18. Contracts: Legal Interpretations Affecting Contracts
- 19. Completing the Application, Underwriting, and Delivering the Policy
- 20. Completing the Application, Underwriting, and Delivering the Policy
- 21. Completing the Application, Underwriting, and Delivering the Policy: Underwriting
- 22. Conclusion of Fundamental Insurance
- General Insurance [22 Activities]
- Module 2
- Property and Casualty Basics [16 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Property and Casualty Basics
- 02. Principles and Concepts
- 03. Principles and Concepts: Loss
- 04. Principles and Concepts: Loss
- 05. Negligence, Liability, and Damages
- 06. Negligence, Liability, and Damages
- 07. Policy Structure
- 08. Policy Structure and Contracts
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- 09. Common Policy Provisions
- 10. Common Policy Provisions
- 11. Other Common Policy Provisions
- 12. Other Common Policy Provisions
- 13. Party Specific Policy Provisions
- 14. Party Specific Policy Provisions
- 15. Cause of Loss Form
- 16. Conclusion
- Property and Casualty Basics [16 Activities]
- Module 3
- Federal Regulations [4 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Federal Insurance Regulations
- 02. Federal Regulations
- 03. Federal Financial Regulations
- 04. Conclusion
- Federal Regulations [4 Activities]
- Module 4
- Washington Laws and Rules All Lines [35 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to General Washington Insurance Regulations
- 02. Powers of the Commissioner: Broad Powers
- 03. Powers of the Commissioner: Additional Broad Powers
- 04. Powers of the Commissioner: Examination of Records
- 05. Powers of the Commissioner: Rates and Forms
- 06. Powers of the Commissioner: Penalties
- 07. Powers of the Commissioner: Unlicensed Activities
- 08. Terms and Concepts
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- 09. Terms and Concepts: Insurer
- 10. Terms and Concepts: Certificates of Authority and Types of Insurers
- 11. Terms and Concepts: Insurance (Property and Casualty) Guaranty Association and the FAIR Plan
- 12. Licensing
- 13. Licensing: Persons Required to be Licensed - Producer
- 14. Licensing: Persons Required to be Licensed - Temporary
- 15. Licensing: Persons Required to be Licensed - Nonresident
- 16. Licensing: Persons Required to be Licensed - Exemptions
- 17. Licensing: Appointments/Termination of Appointments
- 18. Licensing: Maintenance and Duration of License - Renewal
- 19. Licensing: Maintenance and Duration of License - Continuing Education
- 20. Licensing: Maintenance and Duration of License - Late Renewal/Reinstatement
- 21. Marketing Practices
- 22. Marketing Practices: Unfair Practices
- 23. Marketing Practices: Unfair Claims Methods and Trade Practices - WAC 284-30-300 to -320
- 24. Marketing Practices: Unfair Claims Methods and Trade Practices - WAC 284-30-340 to -360
- 25. Marketing Practices: Unfair Claims Methods and Trade Practices - WAC 284-30-370, -380, -400, -570 to -574, and -590
- 26. Marketing Practices: Unfair Claims Methods and Trade Practices - WAC 284-30-660 and -670
- 27. Marketing Practices: Unfair Claims Methods and Trade Practices - Life and Disability
- 28. Marketing Practices: Unfair Claims Methods and Trade Practices - Property and Casualty
- 29. Marketing Practices: Unfair Claims Methods and Trade Practices - Additional Property and Casualty Rules
- 30. Marketing Practices: ProducerÂ’s Compensation Disclosure and Rebating
- 31. Marketing Practices: Other Unfair Practices
- 32. Marketing Practices: Producer Responsibilities
- 33. Marketing Practices: More Producer Responsibilities
- 34. Marketing Practices: Compensation of Licensees
- 35. Conclusion of General Washington Insurance Regulations
- Washington Laws and Rules All Lines [35 Activities]
- Module 5
- Washington Laws and Rules Specific to Casualty Insurance [8 Activities]
- 01. Introduction
- 02. Regulations Pertinent to Property, and Casualty Insurance
- 03. Washington Casualty Insurance Regulations: Part 2
- 04. Regulations Pertinent to Property & Casualty Insurance
- 05. Applications and Binders
- 06. Regulations Pertinent to Casualty Insurance-Automobile Insurance
- 07. Casualty Insurance Regulations Cont. - Financial Responsibility
- 08. Conclusion
- Washington Laws and Rules Specific to Casualty Insurance [8 Activities]
- Midpoint Quiz
- Midpoint Quiz (40 questions)
- Module 6
- Homeowner Insurance Policies [23 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Homeowner Policies
- 02. Objectives
- 03. Definitions
- 04. Eligibility and Policy Forms – HO-1 through HO-8
- 05. Structure of a Homeowners Policy
- 06. Property Coverages
- 07. Property Coverages: Additional Coverages Available Under Section 1 – All Policy Forms
- 08. Property Coverages: Additional Coverages Available Under Section 1 – Specific Policy Forms
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- 09. Property Coverages: Exclusions to the Coverages Otherwise Included in Section 1
- 10. Property Coverages: Conditions Relative to Section 1
- 11. Property Coverages: Additional Conditions Relative to Section 1
- 12. Liability Coverages
- 13. Section 2 – Liability Coverages
- 14. Liability Coverages: Exclusions to Liability Coverage
- 15. Liability Coverages: Exclusions to Coverage E and F
- 16. Liability Coverages: Conditions Relative to Section 2
- 17. Conditions Relative to Both Sections 1 and 2
- 18. Endorsements
- 19. Endorsements
- 20. Endorsements: Scheduled Personal Property (HO 04 61)
- 21. Endorsements: Personal Property Replacement Cost, Business Pursuits, Watercraft, and Personal Injury
- 22. Endorsements: Additional Endorsements
- 23. Conclusion of Homeowners Policies
- Homeowner Insurance Policies [23 Activities]
- Module 7
- Personal Automobile Insurance [10 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Personal Auto Policies
- 02. Fundamentals of Auto Coverage
- 03. Fundamentals of Auto Coverage: Definitions, Policy-Wide Exclusions, and Insurance Scores
- 04. Personal Auto Policies in Detail
- 05. Personal Auto Policies in Detail: Medical Payments Coverage
- 06. Personal Auto Policies in Detail: Uninsured Motorist (UM) and Underinsured Motorist (UIM)
- 07. Personal Auto Policies in Detail: Physical Damage Coverages
- 08. Personal Auto Policies in Detail: Conditions and Provisions
- 09. Personal Auto Policies in Detail: Personal Auto Policy Endorsements
- 10. Conclusion of Personal Auto Policies
- Personal Automobile Insurance [10 Activities]
- Module 8
- Commercial Automobile Insurance [13 Activities]
- 01. Introduction To Commercial Auto Insurance
- 02. Commercial Auto Coverage Forms and Policies: Introduction
- 03. Business Auto Coverage
- 04. Business Auto Coverage: Definitions
- 05. Business Auto Coverage: Liability
- 06. Business Auto Coverage: Exclusions to Liability Coverage
- 07. Business Auto Coverage: Limits of Liability
- 08. Business Auto Coverage: Physical Damage Coverage
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- 09. Business Auto Coverage: Conditions
- 10. Other Commercial Auto Coverage Forms
- 11. Commercial Auto Endorsements
- 12. More Commercial Auto Endorsements
- 13. Conclusion to Commercial Automobile Coverage
- Commercial Automobile Insurance [13 Activities]
- Module 9
- Commercial Policy Packages [56 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Commercial Property Insurance Policies
- 02. The Commercial Policy Package
- 03. Commercial General Liability
- 04. Commercial General Liability, Section I: Coverages
- 05. Commercial General Liability: Personal and Advertising Injury Liability, Medical Payments, and Supplementary Payments
- 06. Commercial General Liability Coverage B: Personal and Advertising Injury Liability
- 07. Commercial General Liability, Coverage C: Medical Payments
- 08. Commercial General Liability: Supplementary Payments
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- 09. Who is an Insured, Limits of the Insurance, and Conditions
- 10. Commercial General Liability Section II: Who is an Insured?
- 11. Commercial General Liability Section III: Limits of Insurance
- 12. Commercial General Liability Section IV: Conditions
- 13. CGL Definitions
- 14. Commercial General Liability: Definitions
- 15. Commercial General Liability: Additional Definitions
- 16. Occurrence and Claims-Made Forms
- 17. Commercial General Liability: Occurrence and Claims-Made Forms
- 18. Pollution Liability Coverage Form
- 19. Commercial General Liability: Pollution Liability Coverage Form (CG 00 39)
- 20. Commercial General Liability: Other Elements of the Pollution Liability Coverage Form
- 21. Commercial Property
- 22. Commercial Property
- 23. Building and Personal Property
- 24. Commercial Property: Building and Business Personal Property
- 25. Commercial Property: Building and Business Personal Property - Additional Coverages
- 26. Commercial Property: Building and Business Personal Property - Coverage Extensions
- 27. Commercial Property: Building and Business Personal Property - Limits of Insurance
- 28. Commercial Property: Building and Business Personal Property - Additional Conditions, Optional Coverages, and Definitions
- 29. Condominium Association Coverage Form, Condominium Commercial Unit Owners Coverage Forms, and Builders Risk Coverage Forms
- 30. Commercial Property: Condominium Association Coverage Form
- 31. Commercial Property: Condominium Commercial Unit Owners Coverage Form
- 32. Commercial Property: Builders Risk Coverage Form
- 33. Business Income and Extra Expense
- 34. Commercial Property: The Business Income Coverage Form
- 35. Commercial Property: Business Income Coverage - Extra Expense and Loss of Use
- 36. Legal Liability Coverage Forms
- 37. Commercial Property: Legal Liability Coverage Form
- 38. Causes of Loss Forms and Selected Endorsements for Commercial Property Coverage
- 39. Commercial Property: Causes of Loss Forms
- 40. Commercial Property: Selected Endorsements
- 41. Commercial Crime
- 42. Commercial Crime
- 43. Commercial Crime: Coverages
- 44. Commercial Inland Marine
- 45. Commercial Inland Marine
- 46. Commercial Inland Marine: Transportation Coverages
- 47. Equipment Breakdown
- 48. Equipment Breakdown
- 49. Equipment Breakdown: Exclusions, Limits, and Deductibles
- 50. Equipment Breakdown: Conditions, Definitions, and Endorsements
- 51. Farm Coverage
- 52. Farm Coverage
- 53. Farm Coverage: Definitions and Causes of Loss
- 54. Farm Coverage: Conditions, Exclusions, and Additional Coverages
- 55. Farm Coverage: Crop Insurance
- 56. Conclusion of Commercial Coverage Policies
- Commercial Policy Packages [56 Activities]
- Module 10
- WorkersÂ’ Compensation [15 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to WorkersÂ’ Compensation Insurance
- 02. WorkersÂ’ Compensation Laws
- 03. WorkersÂ’ Compensation and EmployerÂ’s Liability Insurance Policy
- 04. Parts 1 and 2 of a WorkersÂ’ Compensation and EmployerÂ’s Liability Insurance Policy
- 05. Parts 3 through 6 of a WorkersÂ’ Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance Policy
- 06. Total Disability
- 07. WorkersÂ’ Compensation and Disability
- 08. WorkersÂ’ Compensation and Disability: Additional Definitions
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- 09. Premium Computations
- 10. Premium Computations
- 11. Premium Computations: Adjustments and Discounts
- 12. WorkersÂ’ Compensation Laws
- 13. WorkersÂ’ Compensation Laws
- 14. WorkersÂ’ Compensation Laws: Federal Laws Related to WorkersÂ’ Compensation
- 15. Conclusion of WorkersÂ’ Compensation Insurance
- WorkersÂ’ Compensation [15 Activities]
- Module 11
- Other Coverages and Options [20 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Other Coverages
- 02. National Flood Insurance Plan and Other Policies
- 03. Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Personal Coverage - Coverage Form
- 04. Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Personal Coverage - Coverages and Limits of Liability
- 05. Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Personal Coverage - Exclusions
- 06. Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Personal Coverage - General Provisions
- 07. Commercial Umbrella Policies
- 08. Commercial Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Commercial Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Commercial Umbrella - Coverage Form
- 10. Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Commercial Umbrella - Exclusions
- 11. Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Commercial Umbrella - Definitions
- 12. Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Commercial Umbrella - Additional Definitions
- 13. Umbrella and Excess Liability Policies: Commercial Umbrella - Conditions
- 14. Professional Liability Insurance
- 15. Professional Liability: Errors and Omissions Insurance and More
- 16. Other Policies
- 17. Other Types of Property Insurance
- 18. Surety Bonds and Surplus Lines
- 19. Surety Bonds and Surplus Lines
- 20. Conclusion of Other Coverages
- Other Coverages and Options [20 Activities]
- Final Exams
- Endpoint Quiz (46 questions)
- Final Exam (100 questions)
Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.