
Washington P&C Insurance Exam Prep Package

  • 40 Hour Course
  • 3.4 33 Reviews
  • $107.00

This course package includes lessons and study materials designed to help ensure that you're ready for your state test!

We'll cover a lot of ground in this course in order to ensure you're ready for your exam. We'll start the course by learning the basics of Property & Casualty insurance, before moving on to some of the most common policies you'll work with: homeowner's and dwelling policies. We'll also discuss the state and federal regulations which govern the insurance industry.

The package also includes training on personal and commercial auto policies, commercial coverage packages, business owner's policies, and worker's compensation insurance. There are mid-point, end-point, and final exams throughout the package to test your knowledge as you go.

Take the first step to become a Property & Casualty Producer, At Your Pace Online!

Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.

Course Reviews

33 Reviews