Washington Property Insurance Exam Prep Training
20 Hour Course
- $89.00
This exam prep course is designed to make sure you learn about all the topics on your state exam.
We'll take a look at general insurance concepts, and some property and casualty basics, before discussing the state and federal regulations and laws that apply to the insurance industry. Our midpoint quiz will help you target any topics that you may want to revisit, before we move on to dwelling policies and homeowner's policies. Next, we'll look at commercial coverage packages and business owner's policies. Last, we'll go over flood insurance and the National Flood Insurance Program, before you take the final exam to test your knowledge!
Take the first step to become a Property Insurance producer, At Your Pace Online!
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At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.