As an Oklahoma insurance professional, you’re probably aware that you need continuing education on a periodic basis. But do you know what you’re required to learn during those course hours? It’s important that you do, because the Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID) has strict guidelines pertaining to your continuing education topics.
To make sure you cover your bases, let’s take a peek at what topics Oklahoma insurance producers and adjusters need to learn about during their continuing education.
If you’re an insurance producer and you live in-state, you need 24 hours of continuing education during each two-year renewal period. During your hours, you need at least:
19 hours on general producer education
If you hold a property line of authority, you also need to take one hour on earthquakes. But that can count as part of your 19 remaining hours, leaving you with 18 general hours to take.
Your general education hours should focus on topics relevant to the insurance line(s) you produce.
If you’re newly licensed and will deal at all in long-term care coverage or annuities, you need some additional continuing education during your first renewal cycle.
If you’re handling annuities, you need to complete a 4-hour annuity-focused course. But don’t worry. This is just a one-time requirement. Do it during this renewal cycle and you won’t have to think about it again.
If you sell long-term care, you need to take an initial 8-hour long-term care course. After you do that during your first renewal cycle, you only need 4-hours of long-term care-focused courses during each renewal period.
Fortunately, you’re not looking at additional continuing education hours overall. These specific annuity or long-term care course hours can count toward your general producer education.
Just like your insurance producing peers, you need 24 hours of continuing education during renewal cycle, which means you need to complete these hours every two years. And those 24 hours should be broken down as follows:
19 hours on general adjuster education
You’ll also need a one-hour earthquake course if you hold a property line of authority. This can count as one of your 19 general adjuster education hours.
Make sure any remaining general adjuster education you take focuses on the insurance lines in which you work.
To find OID-approved courses to count toward your continuing education hours, you can use this tool. Choose “Oklahoma” from the Jurisdiction dropdown list and choose “Course or Provider” from the Search Type dropdown.
Then, choose “Continuing Education” from the Education Type dropdown menu. In the Course Group dropdown, you’ll be able to choose the topic in which you need hours.
You can also use the Course Method dropdown to only return results that will allow you to take your OID-approved continuing education online. Most people agree that’s the most convenient way to knock out the hours you need.
Hit the right topics by your renewal date so your continuing education never stands in the way of your active license.